Had Stopped, PTM in Depok Re-opened Starting Tomorrow

Had Stopped, PTM in Depok Re-opened Starting Tomorrow
Limited Face-to-face Learning (PTMT) activities in Depok were temporarily suspended for 10 days. The Depok City Government has allowed to reopen face-to-face learning starting tomorrow.

PTMT reopened after seeing a decrease in the number of cases in Depok. This is as written in Circular Number 8.02/661/SATGAS/2021.

"That there has been a decrease in the number of Covid-19 cases in PTMT clusters in several areas after the temporary suspension of PTMT," wrote Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris in his letter, Monday (29/11).

The Depok City Government suspended PTMT for 10 days when it was discovered that the high number of cases had increased on Wednesday (17/11). The number of additional cases at that time was 105, which was dominated by the PTMT cluster as much as 85 percent or around 84 cases. Then PTMT was discontinued from 19-29 November.

"PTMT activities can be carried out again in all areas of Depok City since November 30, 2021, except for education units that are implementing mitigation for handling Covid-19," he added.

When PTMT reopens tomorrow, Idris emphasized that all students, teachers and parents must be disciplined against the applicable provisions. Activities will also be monitored by the Covid-19 Task Force. The relevant agencies are also asked to be proactive in reporting the development of the situation.

"Each educational unit, teaching staff, education staff, parents or guardians of students and students are required to carry out the provisions of PTMT in a disciplined manner. Carry out continuous monitoring and support vaccination activities," he concluded.
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