1.School End in MindsiShapeMe 2.Our Beliefsa.We believe that1).Each child has a special mission from Allah SWT in this world.2).In Primary age range, it is the time to lay strong and important foundations about HOW TO THINK and HOW TO LIVEb.We also believe that1).Students need to shift from learning...
1.Championing faithful children that pray for their elders and pious leadership; 2.Advocating innovative and fun long life learning to spread knowledge that people can get benefit from; 3.Facilitating the development of Allah's given talents to be one’s best version to live a life full of Shodaqoh J...
CommunityWe name our extracurricular activities ‘Community’ with an in end mind that each student finds his or her passion. Later on she/he belongs to a community of people who like similar things. We classify our communities based on Multiple Intelligences. In Primary, it is a self-screening proces...
Primary FAQa.What is the status of the Primary School?1).We are a Cambridge school.2).We are a member of AKSS (Asosiasi Kelapa Sekolah Se- Pondok Aren) and FKSDS3).We have an Operational Permit (ijin operasional) from Diknas. We are accredited A.b.How is the reporting system?1).We follow Diknas rep...
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